Hey Gang Picnic
June made up a game that I call “Flop.” The way you play is that you pull all the soft and texturally alluring things you can find onto the floor, arrange them in a big pile, and then you flop yourself down to laugh and snuggle the pillows and blankets and dogs. You can flop face up or down, but the important thing is that once you’ve flopped, you need to really wriggle around in there. In Flop, everyone is a winner, and everyone is a big ol’ softie. And best of all, if you’re like me when I was a child, it doesn’t matter if you flip the board game off the table—there is no board, there is no table, and everything’s already on the floor. You literally cannot lose.
These Hey Gang quilts are our latest addition to the game, and they’re also what we take with us everywhere—for picnics in our field, sitting at park, lounging on the tailgate. They’re soft, strong, and utterly flop-able.