What I Read This Month
The Rose Code by Kate Quinn | I loved every second of this novel. Set in WWII Britain, it follows three women around their time at Bletchly Park. It flirts with thriller territory and is solidly entertaining from start to finish—I was hooked from page one. And I sincerely missed the characters after a turned the final page.
The Huntress by Kate Quinn | I was such a sucker for this book. It reeled me in completely, and I couldn’t put it down. I read this Kate Quinn novel first, in a matter of days, and then immediately reached for her more recent, The Rose Code. This one is set in a post-WWII where the memories of those horrors are still fresh in the minds of our characters—and their adversary. It’s a story that hurdles through you like a fighter jet.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb | I started reading this book after a friend sent it to me to borrow at the beginning of the pandemic. I was very pregnant, the world was unfamiliar, and this book was not for me at that time—a little too much added-on heaviness. But I picked it back up this month, and as a different person myself, I read this book very differently than when I attempted it a year and a half ago. I enjoyed it, even the heavy and hard parts, and found myself entertained and enlightened throughout.
Whenever possible, I will link books to an independent book seller.